Royal Order

Royal Order, seeking aid from the powerful High Council of magicians. But as tensions simmer between the kingdoms and the pirates' raids continue unabated, the fate of the realm hangs in the balance.

About Royal Order

Step into a world filled with intrigue, betrayal, and high-stakes politics in Royal Order. This LGBT+ survival Raising Simulation set in a high-fantasy royal court setting with RPG elements promises an unforgettable experience. Can you navigate the treacherous waters of courtly life while keeping the main characters alive and thriving?

The Rise of the Sval

The continent of Igrith trembles under the onslaught of the Sval, notorious pirates from the far north. In response, three kingdoms unite to form the Royal Order, seeking aid from the powerful High Council of magicians. But as tensions simmer between the kingdoms and the pirates' raids continue unabated, the fate of the realm hangs in the balance.

Royal Order and Shape History

Assume the role of Aarya, the newest member of the High Council, and take charge of the Royal Order. Can you quell the Sval's pillaging while navigating the delicate web of political intrigue? With customizable protagonists, romantic entanglements, and multiple endings, every decision you make will shape the course of history. But beware – in this game of power and diplomacy, death lurks around every corner.

Key Features

Customizable Protagonist (Appearance, Pronoun, Name)

Enter the game with a character tailored to your preferences. Choose your appearance, pronoun, and name, making the experience truly yours.

3 Romantic Love Interests (2M, 1F)

Explore romantic connections with three captivating characters, including two male and one female love interests. Navigate relationships amidst the chaos of courtly life.

2 Stats-Raising Systems (Skills & Personality)

Enhance your abilities through two distinct systems – Skills and Personality. Develop your character to better face the challenges ahead.

Time Management & Quest System (60 In-game Weeks)

Efficiently manage your time and resources across 60 in-game weeks. Engage in quests, diplomacy, and intrigue while balancing the demands of court life.

8 Endings

Discover the diverse outcomes awaiting you based on your decisions. With eight possible endings, each playthrough offers a fresh experience.

...and many deaths! (With a touch of humor)

Embrace the unpredictability of courtly life, where danger lurks at every turn. Experience the consequences of your actions – sometimes with a humorous twist.

Royal Order invites you to immerse yourself in a richly detailed world where every choice matters. Will you uphold the honor of the realm, or succumb to the allure of power and deceit? The fate of Igrith rests in your hands.

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