3 Kings

3 Kings is a game of deceptions, trickery, and power that immerses players in the roles of leaders of powerful factions. The ultimate objective is to impose your faction's will on the triumvirate awaiting the nomination of the new king.

About 3 Kings

3 Kings is a game of deceptions, trickery, and power that immerses players in the roles of leaders of powerful factions. The ultimate objective is to impose your faction's will on the triumvirate awaiting the nomination of the new king. 

How to play

  1. Setup: Each player is assigned a faction and receives a hand of cards that represent their resources and abilities. The game begins with each player keeping their allies' identities secret.

  2. Turns and Phases: A match of 3 Kings consists of four turns. Each turn is divided into several phases:

    • Planning Phase: Players use their intelligence and strength to strategize secretly. They manage their hands by selecting cards that will support their plans to place their allies on the throne.
    • Interaction Phase: Played cards come into action. These cards allow players to interact with each other’s strategies. Actions may include sabotage, bluffs, and other forms of trickery to weaken opponents or strengthen their own position.
    • Hand-Building Phase: Players draw new cards to replenish their hands, ensuring they have enough resources and abilities to continue their strategies in subsequent turns.
    • Intrigue Phase: This critical phase involves direct confrontation. Players vote to eliminate enemy kings' pretenders to the throne. The goal is to reduce the number of contenders and increase the chances of their own allies' success.
  3. End of Turn: After all phases are completed, the turn ends, and players prepare for the next turn. This cycle repeats for four turns until the game concludes.

  4. Winning the Game: The game ends after four turns. The player whose faction has successfully imposed their will and whose allies have the strongest presence wins the game. The winner is declared the new king.


  1. Keep Your Allies Secret: One of the key strategies in 3 Kings is to keep the identities of your allies hidden. Revealing them too early can make them targets for other players' sabotage and attacks.

  2. Bluffing is Crucial: Use bluffing to mislead your opponents about your true intentions and the identities of your allies. Make them second-guess their strategies and actions.

  3. Balance Your Strategy: While it's important to be aggressive, don't overextend. Balancing offensive moves with defensive strategies will help protect your allies and maintain your strength throughout the game.

  4. Observe Other Players: Pay close attention to the actions and behaviors of other players. Understanding their strategies and predicting their moves can give you a significant advantage.

  5. Effective Use of Cards: Use your cards wisely. Some cards are more valuable in certain phases of the game. For instance, cards that allow sabotage or assassination might be more useful during the Interaction Phase, while those that bolster your defenses are crucial during the Intrigue Phase.

  6. Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on the flow of the game. If you notice a shift in the balance of power, adjust your tactics accordingly to take advantage of new opportunities or defend against emerging threats.

  7. Collaborate and Deceive: Sometimes temporary alliances with other players can be beneficial. However, remember that deception is a core element of the game. Use alliances to further your goals but be ready to betray them when necessary.

  8. Intrigue Phase Focus: The Intrigue Phase is where the game can be won or lost. Ensure you have a solid plan going into this phase, with enough votes and strategic cards to eliminate your opponents' pretenders effectively.

By following these tips and mastering the art of deception and strategy, you'll be well on your way to claiming the throne in 3 Kings. Remember, only the most cunning and strategic leader will emerge victorious!

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